- DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
* algorithm to compute a DFT for an arbitrary set of frequencies
* method for direct synthesis of an arbitrary waveform signal
- My long-term hobby Ham Radio (also known as Amateur Radio)
* details on the various designs of my multiband (160-6m) WSPR beacon
* a simple multi-platform Software Defined Radio based on the Java programming language including all core classes
  (if you want to do some programming around SDR by yourself)
* a low-budget approach for tracking high orbit satellites
* Ein Link zur Begleitseite für meinen Artikel in der "CQ DL" 6-2018 (einige hatten Probleme, diese Seite zu
- Java™
* Some libraries from my work with Java™ (Software Defined Radio, arbitrary precision math, a password generator, ...).
  Just take a look around.
- Arduino™
* The same as above but from my work with the Arduino™ µ-controller. Libraries, sample sketches but also fully
  documented projects (e.g. a Nixie tube clock, the already mentioned WSPR beacon, a GPS outdoor unit transmitting
  telemetric data, various GPS clocks and lots of general purpose libraries).