Class PwdGenerator

public final class PwdGenerator

Synthesizes a set of character sequences of arbitrary length based on a single keyword. The underlying algorithm is deterministic, hence the output sequences are not random-generated and may be reproduced by re-processing the keyword. The main purpose of this class is to be used as a password-generator, deriving a set of highly complex passwords from a single input string (master password). The character sequences are generated during runtime and will not be stored, making the use of this class quite save.

Users should bear in mind that, as at any encryption method, the "cryptographic strengh" of the generated sequences depends on the length and complexity of the input string rather then the size of the generated sequences. It is well possible to synthesize a set of 30 character passwords from a single letter input. Those passwords would, however, be extremly weak and easy to crack. Details on the subject of "password strength" can be found at the WWW (e.g. Wikipedia).

This is software is public, free of charge and comes without any warranty. The originator is not legally liable for any damages that come about the use of this software.

Method Summary
public static final String[] getPwd(String mpwd, int type, int length, int count)
Synthesizes a set of character sequences of arbitrary length based on a single keyword.
Method Detail


static final String[] getPwd(String mpwd, int type, int length, int count)

Synthesizes a set of character sequences of arbitrary length based on a single keyword.


mpwd - Master password (may contain any UTF-8 character)
type - The output format
0 - Arabic numerals (0...9)
1 - hexadecimal numerals (0...9, A...F)
2 - Latin alphabet (a...z, A...Z)
3 - alphanumeric (0...9, a...z, A...Z)
4 - alphanumeric + "_" + "@"
5 - same like 4, but generation of at least one numeral, uppercase character, lowercase character and special character will be forced. The minimum length of the returned sequences is 4.
length - length of the returned sequences (must be >0)
count - number of returned sequences (must be >0)


An array of the type String[count] containing the generated sequences, each of the size "length".
IllegalArgumentException if length or count <1.